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Useful information

The ministerial decree modifying the rules of financial reimbursement for Romanian partners has been published

On March 29, 2010 the Romanian Official Journal published the Ministerial Decree issued by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism no. 1168/2010 (ORDIN Nr. 1.168 din 19 martie 2010, Publicat în: Monitorul Oficial Nr. 197 din 29 martie 2010), modifying the Decree no. 568/2009 regarding the rules of reimbursement of costs sustained by Romanian beneficiaries within the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Co-Operation Programme.

Among all, the most important modification regards the eligibility of project implementation costs payed out starting from the submission of the project proposal until the closure of the project in line with the approved project budget.

You may find the original Romanian text of the Decree no. 568/2009 and of the Decree No.1168/2010 at the link below: