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Thematic objectives

A comprehensive list of thematic objectives has been defined in the new ERDF Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 1301/2013). Of the 11 thematic objectives, ETC programmes may choose a maximum of 4 thematic objectives to which at least 80% of the ERDF allocation shall be concentrated, ensuring a stronger result orientation that incentives good projects. The thematic objectives, and thus the development directions chosen need to reflect the national/regional priorities of participating countries, and respond to the strategic needs of the programme area, analysing common problems and their strategic solutions, as well as practical experience from the current period.

Preparation of operational programmes for the next period must also take account of the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the Strategy for the Danube Region, and contain proposals that will contribute to the attainment of the targets set out in their agendas. Topics to be addressed by programme priorities may include many traditional cooperation topics, like transport, environment and preserving natural and cultural heritage.

Smart Growth

(1) strengthening research, technological development and innovation;

(2) enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies;

(3) enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF);

Sustainable Growth

(4) supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors;

(5) promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management;

(6) protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency;

(7) promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures;

Inclusive Growth

(8) promoting employment and supporting labour mobility;

(9) promoting social inclusion and combating poverty;

(10) investing in education, skills and lifelong learning;

(11) enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration.